NG Racing Club

Your Trusted Motor Car Racing Support Partner

Leaders in the local and regional motor racing world. We are here to help you achieve you and your car’s full potential.


Established in


Number of Races


Number of Championships


Countries Raced in


It is all in the name; New Generation Racing. A racing team established in 1998 by a set of teenagers with the sole goal of out performing the members of Peter Moodie Autosports. NGRacing is the brain child Peter Moodie, Ishmael Moodie and Douglas Shako. It was all inspired by Mr. Moodie's methods and success.

Our Goals

Founding Team Members: Peter Moodie. Ishmael Moodie and Douglas Shanko are committed to the cause of refreshing the local motor racing industry. They started as drivers and the operation morphed over time to provide racer support. NG Racing is committed to keeping the Jamaican Motor Racing scene in league with current technology and serving our customers to support their competitiveness on the world stage.

Our Services

  • Driver Coaching
  • Race Car Repairs
  • Race Car Preparation
  • Race Car Maintenance